Antoine Esnouf is an agronomist from Montpellier SupAgro (2014), specialized in green chemistry and bio-process for a sustainable development. After an internship at Irstea in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) applied to a territorial biogas plant, he joined the Elsa research group in January 2015 as a PhD Student of the Laboratory of Environmental Biotechnology (INRA LBE). Being part of the Green AlgOhol project, his work deals with the environmental analysis of a production system of agro-fuel from seaweed. One of the main objective of this thesis is the development of a methodology for analyzing the correlations between the variability of Life Cycle Inventory results and LCA results.
Tag Archives: macroalgae
Doris Brockmann (2013-2015)
Doris Brockmann graduated as a civil and environmental engineer (2001) from the Technical University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, and holds a PhD in environmental engineering (2006) from the Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany. After a post-doctoral stay (2006-2009) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, she joined the INRA-LBE at Narbonne in 2009 as a post-doc. During her PhD and in her post-doctoral research, she focused on mathematical modeling of biological wastewater treatment processes in biofilms and anaerobic digestion of diverse substrates. In January 2013, Doris joined the ELSA team to work on life cycle assessment of phosphorus recovery from pig slurry and dairy wastewater (project Phosph’OR), and the environmental assessment of seaweed expoitation and aquaculture (project Idéalg).
Topics: Life Cycle Assessment, wastewater treatment, phosphorus recycling, seaweed, macroalgae, biofuels