Nicolas Rogy is a PhD student of the Elsa team of INRAE. He is a process engineer, graduated from Polytechnique Montreal (Canada) and from Chimie ParisTech (France). His thesis topic consists in the development of methods to take into account environmental feedbacks (e.g. climate change, water resources depletion) on human activities, in the methodology of territorial LCA. The developments of the thesis are applied to irrigated perimeters.
Karine Dufossé (Since March 2022 – present)
Since March 2022, Karine Dufossé is a research engineer in the ELSA team of the UMR ITAP at INRAE. She is currently working on the European project MULTISOURCE (evaluation of nature-based solutions for urban water treatment,, with the use of life cycle assessments (LCA) at the scale of technologies and then of the territory; and soon on the CALALOU project (evaluation of local agriculture in Guadeloupean food and nutrition
She holds a PhD in environmental sciences (2013) from AgroParisTech, in connection with the UMR Ecosys at INRAE Grignon, with a focus on the environmental assessment of lignocellulosic biomass crops for the production of 2nd generation biofuels, with field experience in GHG measurement and mathematical modelling, with a particular focus on N2O emissions, for their integration in crop LCAs. Interested in the modelling of agricultural ecosystems, she also carried out a PostDoc, also in the UMR Ecosys, on dynamic and spatialized cadastres of ammonia (NH3) emissions linked to nitrogen fertilization in France (ADEME Amp’Air and PolQA projects).
Karine graduated as a general engineer from INSA Rouen (2010), with a specialisation in industrial and environmental risk management, and holds a Master of Science in Land and Natural Resources Management from Cranfield University (UK) (2010). She was a contract employee at AgroParisTech (2014) and then a teacher-researcher at UniLaSalle Rennes, on the theme of environmental assessments from 2018 to 2022.
The themes of this research are: environmental assessment, LCA, GHG, agriculture, nature-based solutions.
Thibault Salou
Amandine Pastor
Amandine Pastor is a researcher at INRAE and works on the integration of ecosystem services and spatial dimensions of water and carbon in life cycle assessment. Previously, she worked at the Faculty of Sciences of Lisbon in the framework of the H2020 LOCOMOTION project aiming at integrating water and soil dynamics in an integrated assessment model based on renewable energy use.
She is an agricultural engineer and holds a PhD in hydrology from Wageningen University (Netherlands). She has worked on the impact of global change on water resources and the different trade-offs between environmental flows and food security. She is specialized in earth system modelling, climate change and ecosystem services. She also has field experience in sustainable agriculture and soil and water conservation projects in Europe and overseas.
Topic: Land use, environmental flows, life cycle assessment, ecosystem services, earth system model, climate change
Camille Maeseele (march 2019 – present)
Camille MAESEELE is engineer in energy and environmental engineering, graduated from INSA Lyon (2015). In her final year, she specialized in environmental technologies and industrial and territorial ecology.
After a first experience in the water sector in Chile, she worked for nearly three years with local authorities (in the Centre-Val de Loire region and then in Montpellier) in the energy management sector applied to buildings.
Since March 2019, she has joined the ELSA team to study the environmental impact of wastewater reuse in the agri-food industries (MINIMEAU ANR project).
(Français) François Leroy (Mars 2017-Présent)
Ariane Albers
(Français) Mathilde Ceccaldi (Mars 2017- Août 2018)
Jean Hercher-Pasteur (2017 – 2020)
Jean Hercher-Pasteur is an engineer in International Agro-Development, ISTOM (2008). He began his professional life in the sector of renewable energies and energy efficiency. In 2012, he moved to Uruguay and continued in the line of renewable energies and energy efficiency. In 2016 he decides to return to the agronomic world and begins to develop the energy efficiency for the agricultural sector in Uruguay with energy engineering firm. In 2017, he receive a scholarship form ANII (Agencia Nacional de Investigacion and Innovación del Uruguay) after writing his thesis subject: “Defining an approach of agricultural productivity in terms of energy flow”. Since October 2017, he is part of the ELSA team to develop his research.
(Français) Emmanuel Maillard (Mai 2017 – Décembre 2018)
Alexis Thoumazeau
Alexis THOUMAZEAU, 25 years old is graduated of a master in agricultural sciences from Ecole Supérieure d’Agriculture d’Angers (2015) and specialised in agricultural and soil sciences in the tropics. After his master, Alexis started a PhD at CIRAD in 2015 both within the UMR Eco&Sols and the UPR Perenial crops systems. His PhD topic is focused on the integration of the soil qualtiy within environmental assessment frameworks. After having spent half his PhD in Thailand for field works under rubber tree plantations developping a new approach to assess soil functioning, Alexis works on the integration of the soil quality in the LCA. His research topics are : environmental assessment, indicator, LCA, soil quality, perenial cropping systems.
Gustave Coste (June 2017 – January 2021)
Gustave Coste is an agricultural engineer from Montpellier Supagro (AgroTIC specialization) graduated in 2013.
Specialized in IT and GIS for environment and agriculture, he worked as data manager and project animator at the “Groupe Chiroptères Languedoc-Roussillon” in 2014 and as information system manager in the French Southern and Antarctic Territories from 2015 to 2016.
He joined ELSA in June 2017 as research engineer at LBE (INRA) to work on LCA data traceability and exchange within ELSA team, and more globally to help the team with his IT expertise.
Angel Avadi
Angel Avadí is a researcher at CIRAD, research unit Recycling and risk. He deals with the environmental assessment of solutions for the recycling of organic residues, especially regarding strategies for returning nutrients to agricultural soils. Previously, in 2014, he completed a PhD from Université Montpellier 2 and IRD focused on the sustainability assessment of supply chains based on the wild caught Peruvian anchovy. These supply chains include fisheries, reduction into fishmeal and fish oil, aquaculture and fish processing for direct human consumption. In 2014-2015, he engaged in postdoc research at INRA Rennes on the challenges of applying life cycle assessment to describe whole agricultural regions. His academic training at the undergraduate and master levels spans IT (with focus on e-learning), business and sustainability science (material flow management and other aspects of industrial ecology).
Yves GERAND (Dec. 2011-Apr. 2014/Nov. 2015-Feb. 2016)
Yves holds a Master’s Degree in Chemistry (National Graduate School of Chemistry (ENSCM), Montpellier, France) and is specialized in “Green Chemistry” (joint curriculum between the ENSCM and Montpellier SupAgro).
In 2011, after a master’s thesis in LCA at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, Yves chose to join the ELSA team as a researcher at Irstea, in charge of the environmental assessment tasks of the Novinpak and Pomewiso projects. At the end of this mission, he took part in the organization of the Industrial Chair ELSA-PACT kick-off day in 2014 before joining the Refining and Chemicals branch of Total, La Défense, Paris.
At the end of this contract, he came back to the ELSA team in November 2015, this time working for the LBE. He is currently dealing with environmental assessment of algae-based processes (wastewater treatment, digestion…)
Topics: Environmental Assessment, Life cycle assessment, Agro-bio-processes, wastewater treatment, algae, refining, polymers
(Français) Posters
(Français) Chaire industrielle ELSA-PACT
ANR Project Sustain’Apple (2014-2018)
In France, apples are the most consumed and exported fruits. The sustainability of the whole supply chain is increasingly called into question from a sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) point of view. Sustain’Apple aims to shed light on the organizational and institutional solutions that may be implemented at all stages of the supply chains (short and long chains). The project, which can be classified in the 2nd axis as defined by the ANR, will run for a 4-year period with the requested grant totaling €876,305. The consortium brings together all the competencies necessary to address these sustainable apple chain issues with on the research side, INRA, CIRAD, IRSTEA, Montpellier SupAgro, ESA Angers and UAPV are concerned through the involvement of UMR MOISA, UMR Innovation, UMR ITAP, PSH and UERI Gotheron.
The project includes a LCA work package that aims to compare the environmental performances of different chains, from orchards to final consumers.
Irstea Contact: Eléonore Loiseau
Ralph K. Rosenbaum (2014 – 2018)
Passionate about quantitative environmental sustainability assessment including Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) since 1997, Ralph Rosenbaum is an expert in environmental modelling, as well as development of LCA methodology and teaching related to sustainability and environmental assessment. He is co-author of the consensus model for the evaluation of comparative toxicity USEtox and the LCIA methods IMPACT 2002+ and Impact World+. He is subject editor of the International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment on the theme of impacts of chemicals on human health as well as vice-president and founding member of the International Life Cycle Academy based in Barcelona.
Born in Germany, Ralph Rosenbaum finished his Environmental Engineering degree (Diplomingenieur) at the Technical University Berlin, Germany in 2003. From 2003 to 2006 he pursued his Ph.D. thesis entitled “Multimedia and Food Chain Modelling of Toxics for Comparative Risk and Life Cycle Impact Assessment” at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland. After a few months of consultancy work for the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) he joined the team of CIRAIG at the École Polytechnique de Montreal, Canada, in early 2007 as researcher and lecturer. In 2010 he was appointed Associate Professor at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in Copenhagen. In 2014, Ralph Rosenbaum joined the team of ELSA as Director of the Industrial Chair for Environmental and Social Sustainability Assessment “ELSA-PACT”.
Keywords: Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), environmental modelling, LCA methodology development, uncertainty quantification and management, teaching, USEtox, IMPACT 2002+, Impact World+
Sarah Audouin (2015)
Sarah Audouin is an agronomist from the Superior Institute of Agriculture in Lille (Master degree, 2009), specialized in tropical agronomy from Institut for Higher Education in Agri-food Industry and Rural Development (IRC) in Montpellier Supagro (2010) and doctor in geography in Paris 1 and in the International Institute for Water and Environmental Engineering in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso (PhD degree, 2014). Her PhD focuses on the interactions between innovation systems and rural territory in Burkina Faso, with two examples : cashew nut (as food product) and jatropha (as energy product). Her main area of expertise and ongoing research covers the integration of biomass energy in production spaces. She has recently been recruted in CIRAD in the BioWooEB research unit for the Syngas projet in the Reunion Island. The purpose of the projet is to produce electricty from crop or forest residues through gazeification. The main objective of her study is to analyze the biomass availabilty for energy-use, identify the related supply-chain and conduct an environmental assessment with LCA.
Susana Leão (2015-2018)
Susana Leão holds a Master in Ecological Agriculture from the University of Barcelona, Spain, and a Bachelor´s Degree in Environmental Engineering from the University of Aveiro, Portugal.
Since January 2015, she is joining the Industrial Chair for Environmental and Social Sustainability Assessment ELSA-PACT, as a PhD student (IRSTEA and EMA). The topic of her thesis is focused on Water footprint & Life Cycle Assessment – Development of a methodological framework for the regionalized consideration of different water sources in LCA.
Previously, she has worked as a researcher (2009-2014) in the UNESCO Chair of Life Cycle and Climate Change (Barcelona) developing national and international Life Cycle Assessment projects in different areas, especially on municipal waste management and sustainable construction. She was part of the team of some important projects such as: FENIX LIFE+ or SOFIAS (INNPACTO Program).
Also, she has worked in an environmental consultancy in Reus (Spain), where her main functions were to develop Urban Studies and Environmental Planning and information campaigns on environmental awareness and education on selective waste collection.
Her final Master thesis was focused on the analysis of the uncertainty associated with Life Cycle Inventories of ecological crops of Catalonia, using field data and databases (Ecoinvent) and its repercussion in the impact analysis.
Miriam Colin (février 2015…)
Holding a Professional Degreeon Organic Agriculture (2009)Miriam workedseveralyearsin the field of fruit growingexperimentationas a technician. In 2012, shecontinuedherstudies and in 2014, sheobtained a Master in Agronomy and CropInnovativeSystemsat Montpellier Supagro. Sheintegrates ELSA team in February 2015 for a period of 18 months to work on the Environmental Assessment (Life Cycle Assessment) applied to peaches and apple fruit sectors.
Mattia Damiani (2015 – 2018)
Mattia Damiani has been awarded a master’s degree in natural sciences (Natural Systems Evolution and Diversity) at the University of Turin, Italy, and a specialization master in environmental engineering (Environmental Assessment and Planning Techniques) at the Polytechnic University of Turin.
He has been working as an environmental consultant and life cycle analyst since 2012, being involved in many projects held by European Commission’s authorities, Italian public bodies and multinational corporations.
His work has been devoted mainly to the sustainable use of natural resources, industrial ecology, Life Cycle Assessment and environmental communication.
He joined the ELSA-PACT team as an IRSTEA PhD student and his research activities aim to assess the impacts of consumption and water degradation on biodiversity.
Charlotte Pradinaud (2015 – 2022)
Charlotte Pradinaud is an agricultural engineer from Montpellier SupAgro (2013) specialized in the management of water, cultivated areas and environment.
She joined for the first time the ELSA team in 2013 for her end-of-studies internship which objective was to achieve the LCA study of a biofuel produced from macroalgae (IDEALG project). After a year abroad, she rejoined the team as a PhD student at IRSTEA, as part of the industrial Chair ELSA -PACT.
Her thesis is generally related to the Water Footprint & LCA methods, and more specifically to the development of an indicator for the impact on water quality.
Frédéric Maillard (jan. 2015 – jan. 2017)
Frédéric Maillard is an engineer in Agricultural Techniques from ENESAD (Dijon, 1994).
From 1995 to 1997, he was in charge of logistic, experimentation, monitoring and advising in integrated pest management for FREDEC and farmers.
From 1997 to 2004, he worked in CTIFL of Balandran (30), as quality manager, controller in the fruit tree certification service and national coordinator in implementation of a healthy raspberry plants supply chain.
After a professional coaching training and a graduate master in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, he became an independent consultant and trainer in Nîmes from 2005 to 2014, helping very small company managers (decision support, economic development) and supervising practice analysis teams.
Since January 2015, he joined the ELSA – Social Team, as a research engineer in the UMR-ITAP of Irstea, within the ANR project DESIRABLE (Designing the Insect bioRefinery to contribute to a more sustainABLE agro-food-industry), evaluating and selecting best industry scenarios and contributing to Social Life Cycle Assessment.
Antoine Esnouf (2015 – 2022)
Antoine Esnouf is an agronomist from Montpellier SupAgro (2014), specialized in green chemistry and bio-process for a sustainable development. After an internship at Irstea in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) applied to a territorial biogas plant, he joined the Elsa research group in January 2015 as a PhD Student of the Laboratory of Environmental Biotechnology (INRA LBE). Being part of the Green AlgOhol project, his work deals with the environmental analysis of a production system of agro-fuel from seaweed. One of the main objective of this thesis is the development of a methodology for analyzing the correlations between the variability of Life Cycle Inventory results and LCA results.
Lucie Lemagnen (november 2014-november 2017)
see french version
Victor Nichanian September 2014 – February 2015
Name : Victor Nichanian
Function : intern at the CIRAD, in the BioWooEb research unit.
Description : Victor Nichanian, 22, is student at the University of Technology of Compiègne (UTC), in process engineering. From September 2014 to February 2015, he will be on an internship at the CIRAD, in the BioWooEb research unit. In the context of the INVERTO project (innovation in vegetal chemistry through torrefaction), it consists in an environmental assessment of the chemical valorization of condensable species produced by the biomass torrefaction. After the torrefaction’s thermodynamic study of 4 biomasses (pine, ashthree, miscanthus and wheatstraw) at 3 temperatures has been made, he will have to define the energetic needs of a new system, composed of the torrefactor and the extraction process of condensable species. With the help of the software SimaPro, he’ll finally make a life-cycle assessment of the system, in order to evaluate its environmental aspect and to minimize its impact.
Themes : biomass, torrefaction, thermochemistry, thermodynamics, life-cycle assessment, environmental impacts
LinkedIn :
Meriem Jouini (Octobre 2014 – Décembre 2017)
JOUINI Meriem, 26 years old, is an agricultural engineer from the Institute National of Agronomy of Tunisia (2013) and PhD student in agricultural science. The PhD thesis is Cotutelle between Montpellier SupAgro and the University of Carthage – Institute National of Agronomy of Tunisia. The thesis concerning impact assessment of water and soil use, is titled Impact Assessment of agricultural practices and conservation works on soils by ACV: Case Watershed Merguellil. The themes of this research are the environmental assessment, systemic analysis, participatory approach, agricultural system of the South.
Audrey Boussaoud (August 2014 – January 2015)
Audrey Boussaoud is a 23 years-old student in agronomy from Supagro (2012-2016), in Montpellier, France, and is interested in the field of innovations for sustainable paths of production and consumption. The three previous internships that she did taught her a lot about the management of an organic farm, about beekeeping and integrated and sustainable pest management. Before her specialization, (september 2014 – september 2015) she is dedicating one year to internships, starting with a 6-months study at the researche center CIRAD (with Anthony Benoist) on environmental impacts assessment of lignocellulosic energy crops (state of art, precision of ranges of impacts for different types of biomass, creation of new LCA references); during the second semester, she would like to participate in an in-field rural development project with a specialized NGO working in Latin America or in Vietnam.
Topics: Life-cycle assessment, agroecology, family farming, economique development, sustainability
Evelyne Couliou (mars 2014 – février 2015)
Evelyne Couliou est ingénieur agronome, diplômée de Montpellier SupAgro (2013) spécialisée en gestion de l’eau, des milieux cultivés et de l’environnement. Pour une durée d’un an, elle teste le calculateur simplifié d’Analyse de Cycle de Vie de système d’assainissement, ACV4E, auprès de collectivités. L’objectif de cette étude est de transférer l’outil ACV4E, d’identifier et d’analyser l’utilisation faite et l’utilité du logiciel.
Laureline Catel (2013-2016)
Laureline is an agronomist from Montpellier SupAgro (2013) specialized in water management and environment.
After an internship in Life Cycle Assessment applied to drinking water production plants (for Veolia Eau d’Ile-de-France), she joined the Elsa research group in October 2013 to work on the project “LCA of wastewater treatment”. This project aims to develop tools and methods for LCA of wastewater treatment works (sewers and wastewater treatment plants) in order to optimize their environmental performance.
The ACV4E software has been developed for this project and allows comparing the environmental impacts of several sanitation scenarios built by the user. The main tasks of Laureline are to achieve LCA to supply the software database and to improve its ergonomics together with some “users-testers”.
Topics: Environmental assessment, Life Cycle Assessment, Wastewater treatment plant, sanitation.
Federica Silveri
Federica Silveri, born in 1989, obtained her master’s degree in “Business Administration” in March 2014, with a specialisation in Industrial Ecology at the University of Pescara (Italy). The purpose of her PhD work is to set up a new theoretical model to anticipate damages to health of workers caused by psychosocial risk factors at work. It will take into account improvements resulting from positive psychosocial factors too. The methodology used is the construction of a cause-effect relation (pathway) between psychosocial factors of workplace and workers’ health.
Sylvain MARTINEZ (2014-2017)
Sylvain MARTINEZ, born in 1985, is graduated from The University Montpellier II with a master in physics and chemistry of materials. He made his PhD (CIFRE University of Technology Troyes / Schneider Electric) on the evaluation of a global cost of a product by the coupling of its environmental and economic performances. He defended in june 2012.
He worked at the University of Technology Troyes in 2012 as research engineer. He joined an ecodesign electric radiators project, including new materials (geopolymer, materials with phase shift).
In 2014 he joined the ELSA research group (INRA LBE) in order to work on two projects : Algraal and Surfact’alg. These two projects aim to replace existing products in cosmetics, detergency and construction by products resulting from algae (macro and micro). He is responsible for the management of the project, and ecodesign and LCA subjects.
ELSA team in Basel: SETAC 2014
Doris Brockmann (2013-2015)
Doris Brockmann graduated as a civil and environmental engineer (2001) from the Technical University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, and holds a PhD in environmental engineering (2006) from the Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany. After a post-doctoral stay (2006-2009) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, she joined the INRA-LBE at Narbonne in 2009 as a post-doc. During her PhD and in her post-doctoral research, she focused on mathematical modeling of biological wastewater treatment processes in biofilms and anaerobic digestion of diverse substrates. In January 2013, Doris joined the ELSA team to work on life cycle assessment of phosphorus recovery from pig slurry and dairy wastewater (project Phosph’OR), and the environmental assessment of seaweed expoitation and aquaculture (project Idéalg).
Topics: Life Cycle Assessment, wastewater treatment, phosphorus recycling, seaweed, macroalgae, biofuels
Maéva Marcin (march – september 2014)
Novinpak system Life Cycle Assessment
This ISO 14044:2006 and ISO 14040:2006 compliant study* was performed within the Novinpak project. This project aims at developping a PET (polyethylene terephtalate) / recycled PET bottle for high quality wine.
To learn more about this project, download the full LCA report and even use the simplified LCA calculator, check out the Novinpak website!
Report download:
*: The Critical Review was performed by a panel of three experts and coordinated by RDC Environment. The critical review report is available in Appendix 9 of the LCA report.
LCA Database
LCA analyst
see french version (the french language is mandatory for this position due to the partnerships…)
PhD Thesis
Launch of the ANR Industrial Chair “ELSA-PACT”
LCA model of a complete sanitation system
LCA & EcoInnovation Day – Narbonne – 11th of june 2013
To be translated soon
Nicolas Mat (2012 – 2015)
Nicolas MAT has been working for over 6 years as a project manager in the field of industrial ecology and energy/climate change for public authorities and industrial sector, in France and abroad. In October 2012, he started a PhD thesis in the LGEI of Ecole des Mines d’Ales. His research project questions the role of port and harbor areas in the context of an ecological and energy transition. He also teaches at the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Faculty of Geography and Environment), University of Franche-Comté and the Ecole des Mines d’Ales in the field of industrial ecology and project management.
Ibrahima Bocoum (2012 – present)
Ibrahima Bocoum, born in 1982, is an Economist. He holds a PhD from the University of Montpellier 1, defended in April 2011. His PhD thesis focuses on the analysis of food consumption behavior of households in the Sahel, in relation to poverty. In 2011, he worked at the Centre for International Cooperation in Agronomic Research for Development (CIRAD), as a Research Fellow, on the relationship between agrobiodiversity and food security. Between 2006 and 2012, he taught at the Universities of Montpellier 1 and Montpellier 3, and at the Centre for Studies and Research on International Development (CERDI). In 2012 and 2013, he was also a consultant in charge of surveys and data analyzes for Oxfam Great Britain and the World Bank.
He joined the ELSA team in September 2012 and is currently working on Social Life Cycle Assessment, as a Post-doctoral Fellow funded by the National Research Institute of Science and Technology for Environment and Agriculture (IRSTEA). His work focuses on the construction of a new “pathway” on income inequality, to measure the impacts of economic activities generated by a life cycle on health and poverty. He works closely with Catherine Macombe and performs some of his research at the Interuniversity Research Center for Life Cycle of Products, Processes and Services (CIRAIG) in Montreal.
Comparative LCA – Wastewater treatment
Partenariat 2011 Irstea/Onema – Theme : Ecotechnologies and pollutions.
Action 24 « Analyse environnementale de cycle de vie du système assainissement »
This work builds upon the previous LCA studies delivered in 2010 and scopes a comparative LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) study of two wastewater treatment technologies designed for domestic sewage. This comparative LCA study is carried out between (i) a vertical flow constructed wetland and (ii) an activated sludge.
Available for download: 2011_Action 24 Irstea_Onema_ACV_Comparative_BA FPRv
LCA models: Wastewater treatment plant
Partnership 2010 Irstea/Onema – Theme : Ecotechnologies and pollutions.
Action 28-1 « Analyse environnementale de cycle de vie du système assainissement »
The following documents scope the LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) of two wastewater treatment plants using (i) a constructed wetland technology or (ii) a conventional activated sludge, both designed for treating domestic sewage. Inventory data relative to construction and operation of these wastewater treatment plants are described in these documents. This action required a close collaboration between Irstea specialists in environmental assessment (Irstea UMR ITAP, Montpellier) and experts in sanitation (Irstea UR MALY, Lyon et HBAN, Antony).
Available for download:
Yannick Biard
Yannick Biard is an agronomist from Montpellier SupAgro (Master’s Degree 2009) specialized in life cycle assessment, associated databases and calculations tools. He is also skilled in project management and calculation tools dedicated to agronomy and environment.
He first worked as the project manager of the Agri-BALYSE program (ADEME) in 2010. This participative program is developed by a large consortium consisting of ten institutes for applied agricultural research and three agricultural research institutes specialized in the environmental assessement of farming systems. The objective is to create a public life cycle inventory (LCI) database of French agricultural raw products, applying a consistent methodology for the establishment of LCIs of crop and animal products at the farm-gate.
Yannick Biard joined the CIRAD in 2011. At the interface between agronomist and LCA scientists, his main objectives are:
- To do LCA studies of tropical products through the use of CIRAD expertise and data.
- To raise methodological issues for the LCA scientists.
- To develop and manage the LCA/LCI database of CIRAD on tropical products.
Topics: life cycle assessment studies, databases, inventories, ecoinvent, simaPro, ILCD
DuraliDOM Project
DuraliDOM project (2010-2011,ODEADOM) Comparative study of sustainability of foods sample in oversea departments (life cycle assessment and socio-economic indicators) according to local or imported origin
Contact: Yannick Biard.