Susana Leão holds a Master in Ecological Agriculture from the University of Barcelona, Spain, and a Bachelor´s Degree in Environmental Engineering from the University of Aveiro, Portugal.
Since January 2015, she is joining the Industrial Chair for Environmental and Social Sustainability Assessment ELSA-PACT, as a PhD student (IRSTEA and EMA). The topic of her thesis is focused on Water footprint & Life Cycle Assessment – Development of a methodological framework for the regionalized consideration of different water sources in LCA.
Previously, she has worked as a researcher (2009-2014) in the UNESCO Chair of Life Cycle and Climate Change (Barcelona) developing national and international Life Cycle Assessment projects in different areas, especially on municipal waste management and sustainable construction. She was part of the team of some important projects such as: FENIX LIFE+ or SOFIAS (INNPACTO Program).
Also, she has worked in an environmental consultancy in Reus (Spain), where her main functions were to develop Urban Studies and Environmental Planning and information campaigns on environmental awareness and education on selective waste collection.
Her final Master thesis was focused on the analysis of the uncertainty associated with Life Cycle Inventories of ecological crops of Catalonia, using field data and databases (Ecoinvent) and its repercussion in the impact analysis.