Cemagref resarch action 24 (2010-2011, Onema) Life Cycle Assessment of wastewater sanitation system.
Contact: Philippe Roux, Eva Risch
Tag Archives: Eva Risch
Eva Risch
Eva Risch graduated from the Bordeaux Higher National School of Physics and Chemistry in September 2009 with an engineering background in physics and chemistry and a research masters in environmental chemistry. In May 2010, Eva joined the ELSA Team as a Irstea research engineer. Her role is to help develop Life Cycle Assessment methodologies by carrying research on certain environmental processes. She has focused on wastewater treatment efficiencies, comparing a conventional activated sludge wastewater treatment plant with a vertical flow constructed wetland as part of a Irstea – ONEMA (French National Agency for Water and Aquatic Environments) collaboration. Her interests include elemental mass balances in the studied processes, which allow one to quantify their utility functions as per the treatment of waste waters.
Topics: Life cycle assessment, wastewater treatment plant, vertical flow constructed wetlands, activated sludge, elemental mass balance.