Agri-BALYSE (2010-2013, French Environment and Energy Management Agency) Research project on the environmental assessment with LCA of a panel of food products imported from tropical regions and consumed in France – Project coordinated within the Agri-BALYSE project.
Contact: Claudine Basset-Mens, Thierry Tran, Cécile Bessou, Sylvain Perret
Tag Archives: Cecile Bessou
PalmINet : Palm Indicators Network (2011, funded by Cirad) Priority action of CIRAD on developing an international network on the development, the validation and diffusion of agri-ecological indicators on the oil palm cultivation and palm oil production.
Contact: Cécile Bessou.
Cécile Bessou
Cécile Bessou is an agronomist from ENESAD, Dijon (Master degree, 2001), specialized in resource management and rural development in tropical areas (ENGREF, Montpellier, and MSc at the TU Munich) and doctor in environmental sciences (PhD degree, 2009) from AgroParisTech, Paris. Within the three-year PhD project, she developed her skills in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) while focusing on the modeling of agricultural field emissions with case studies on biofuels.
Since 2010, she has been working at CIRAD within the research unit on perennial cropping systems (UPR 34). The researchers within this team work on both agricultural and environmental issues concerning perennial crops such as Oil Palm, Rubber or Coffee tree. Cécile works on the assessment of oil palm environmental impacts, notably on the development and adaptation of the LCA methodology and agri-ecological indicators for the oil palm. Her main research activities, together with the scientists from the Hortsys research unit, cover inclusion of variability of cropping systems, modeling environmental fluxes and perennial cycles within LCA, and harmonization of methods and results comparability.
Topics : Life cycle assessment, cropping systems, perennial crops, oil palm, agri-ecological indicators, tropics, flux modelling, environment, variability.