Author Archives: Yannick Biard
Yannick Biard
Yannick Biard is an agronomist from Montpellier SupAgro (Master’s Degree 2009) specialized in life cycle assessment, associated databases and calculations tools. He is also skilled in project management and calculation tools dedicated to agronomy and environment.
He first worked as the project manager of the Agri-BALYSE program (ADEME) in 2010. This participative program is developed by a large consortium consisting of ten institutes for applied agricultural research and three agricultural research institutes specialized in the environmental assessement of farming systems. The objective is to create a public life cycle inventory (LCI) database of French agricultural raw products, applying a consistent methodology for the establishment of LCIs of crop and animal products at the farm-gate.
Yannick Biard joined the CIRAD in 2011. At the interface between agronomist and LCA scientists, his main objectives are:
- To do LCA studies of tropical products through the use of CIRAD expertise and data.
- To raise methodological issues for the LCA scientists.
- To develop and manage the LCA/LCI database of CIRAD on tropical products.
Topics: life cycle assessment studies, databases, inventories, ecoinvent, simaPro, ILCD
REbecca Project
REbecca Project (2011-2012, Fonds Européen de Développement Régional) Study of electricity production from biomass (sugarcane) dedicated to this purpose, based on LCA scenarios.
Contact: Yannick Biard, Jean-louis Chopart