Définition d’une nouvelle approche de la productivité du système agricole en terme de flux énergétiques. Jean Hersher-Pasteur
Consideration of the time dimension in the environmental assessment of biomass products: Dynamic carbon modelling. Ariane Albers
Water footprint and impacts LCA of the consumption of water: development of indicators of water quality. Charlotte PRADINAUD
Water footprint and Life Cycle Assessment – Development of a methodological framework for the regionalized consideration of different water sources in LCA. Susana LEAO
Empreinte eau et ACV d’impacts de la consommation d’eau : développement d’indicateurs d’impacts de la consommation d’eau sur la biodiversité. Mattia DAMIANI
Accounting for temporal dynamics in Life Cycle Impact Assessment for eutrophication and freshwater ecotoxicity categories in order to better differenciate between chronic and punctual discharges. Eva RISH
Representativeness of environmental impacts based on Life Cycle Inventories. Antoine ESNOUF
Développement d’une méthodologie pour une meilleure évaluation des impacts environnementaux de l’industrie extractive – Assemien KOUADO YAO
Qualité biologique d’eaux usées traitées en vue de la réutilisation – Erwan Carré
Improvement of the combustion properties of biomass residues by blending. Thesis – Brice PIEDNOIR
Anticipating the Psychosocial Factors Effect in Social LCA. Federica SILVERI
Toward a consistent accounting of water as a resource and a vector of pollution in the LCA of agricultural products: Methodological development and application to a horticultural cropping system. Sandra PAYEN
Analyse du Cycle de Vie Sociale – Pour un nouveau cadre conceptuel et théorique. Pauline FESCHET
Assessment of the global cost of a product by the coupling of its environmental and economic performance. Sylvain MARTINEZ
Analyse de Cycle de Vie Energétique (ACVE) de systèmes de production d’hydrogène. Noureddine HAJJAJI
Accounting for the variability of field nitrogen emissions in the Life Cycle Assessment of agricultural systems. The case of slurry application. Brigitte LANGEVIN