Claudine Basset-Mens is an agronomist from Supagro, Montpellier (Master degree, 1997) and doctor in environmental sciences (PhD degree, 2005) from Agro-Campus Ouest school in Rennes, France.
With a 15 years experience at the interface between agriculture and environment, she conducted most of her research on the assessment of environmental impacts for food and farming systems in a wide range of situations (France, New-Zealand, French overseas departments, Morocco, Tunisia, West Africa…) and production systems (animal and crop production systems, horticultural systems). She is currently working in the Hortsys unit in CIRAD on the development and adaptation of the Life Cycle Assessment methodology (LCA) for horticultural production systems in the Tropics, including perennial fruit production systems and short-cycle vegetables production systems. Her main research focus covers: inclusion of variability, environmental fluxes modelling, uncertainty, modelling of perennial cycle within LCA and harmonization of methods and results comparability.
Topics: Life cycle assessment, fruits, perennial crops, short-cycle vegetables, tropics, fluxes, environment, variability, uncertainty, modelling.