Sarah Audouin is an agronomist from the Superior Institute of Agriculture in Lille (Master degree, 2009), specialized in tropical agronomy from Institut for Higher Education in Agri-food Industry and Rural Development (IRC) in Montpellier Supagro (2010) and doctor in geography in Paris 1 and in the International Institute for Water and Environmental Engineering in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso (PhD degree, 2014). Her PhD focuses on the interactions between innovation systems and rural territory in Burkina Faso, with two examples : cashew nut (as food product) and jatropha (as energy product). Her main area of expertise and ongoing research covers the integration of biomass energy in production spaces. She has recently been recruted in CIRAD in the BioWooEB research unit for the Syngas projet in the Reunion Island. The purpose of the projet is to produce electricty from crop or forest residues through gazeification. The main objective of her study is to analyze the biomass availabilty for energy-use, identify the related supply-chain and conduct an environmental assessment with LCA.
Tag Archives: Analyse du cycle de vie
LCA model of a complete sanitation system
Comparative LCA – Wastewater treatment
Partenariat 2011 Irstea/Onema – Theme : Ecotechnologies and pollutions.
Action 24 « Analyse environnementale de cycle de vie du système assainissement »
This work builds upon the previous LCA studies delivered in 2010 and scopes a comparative LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) study of two wastewater treatment technologies designed for domestic sewage. This comparative LCA study is carried out between (i) a vertical flow constructed wetland and (ii) an activated sludge.
Available for download: 2011_Action 24 Irstea_Onema_ACV_Comparative_BA FPRv
LCA models: Wastewater treatment plant
Partnership 2010 Irstea/Onema – Theme : Ecotechnologies and pollutions.
Action 28-1 « Analyse environnementale de cycle de vie du système assainissement »
The following documents scope the LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) of two wastewater treatment plants using (i) a constructed wetland technology or (ii) a conventional activated sludge, both designed for treating domestic sewage. Inventory data relative to construction and operation of these wastewater treatment plants are described in these documents. This action required a close collaboration between Irstea specialists in environmental assessment (Irstea UMR ITAP, Montpellier) and experts in sanitation (Irstea UR MALY, Lyon et HBAN, Antony).
Available for download: