Laureline Catel (2013-2016)

Laureline is an agronomist from Montpellier SupAgro (2013) specialized in water management and environment.

After an internship in Life Cycle Assessment applied to drinking water production plants (for Veolia Eau d’Ile-de-France), she joined the Elsa research group in October 2013 to work on the project “LCA of wastewater treatment”. This project aims to develop tools and methods for LCA of wastewater treatment works (sewers and wastewater treatment plants) in order to optimize their environmental performance.

The ACV4E software has been developed for this project and allows comparing the environmental impacts of several sanitation scenarios built by the user. The main tasks of Laureline are to achieve LCA to supply the software database and to improve its ergonomics together with some “users-testers”.

Topics: Environmental assessment, Life Cycle Assessment, Wastewater treatment plant, sanitation.